Knuffelsmakers originated in 2017, was conceived by Liesbeth and Caressa. It is our aim to make memories tangible by reimagining portrait photos of people and animals into something to cuddle. All products are handmade and made of high quality materials.
In 2017, Liesbeth came up with the idea of making cuddly soft dolls of loved ones, people and animals. Her son Jip collected dolls (Funko doll) of famous people and figures which inspired her to create her own soft dolls which has evolved into Knuffel portraits. Caressa joined forces with her illustration and many other talents and together, producing quality with every single knuffel, have built an inspiring business impacting the community in the Netherlands and abroad.
After having made so many Knuffels we have learnt so much and have so much respect for the work we do. Every Knuffel has a real story attached to it which are very beautiful and special but sometimes extremely heartbreaking. Children who have to miss time with their father or mother because they work abroad such as in the Army. There are also heartbreaking situations in which a father or mother has to say goodbye to life much too soon. These kinds of stories touch us enormously and we consider it an honor to be able to use our strengths in this way.